Get a Quote for Index Annuity Next Previous Reasons to buy Index Annuity Safety of principal Gains without loss Potential for high returns Guaranteed income for life Control over your assets Questions to ask about Index Annuity How safe are index annuities What are my risk factors Can you transfer benefits upon death Does your current health effect the index annuity What are the fees and surrender penalties NEEDED FOR ANNUITY ILLUSTRATION Name* First Last Address* Apt number/unit City State Zip Code County* Email* Birthdate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Sex:*MaleFemaleThird ChoiceType of Annuity:*QualifiedNon-qualifiedAmount (in US $) to be deposited:*How do you want distributions taken?*5 year payout10 year payout15 year payout20 year payoutlifetime incomelumped sumWhen do you want distributions to begin?*immediately1 year2 years3 years4 years5years6 years7 years8 years9 years10 yearsage 65age 72Specific expectations regarding your investment:*fixed ratevariable rateThird ChoiceDo you want the ability to add more money to the existing policy?*YesNoEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.