Maintain a Healthy Life Even After Turning 60

Affordable care should be available for every age

Maintain a Healthy Life Even After Turning 60

Affordable care should be available for every age

A nurse is helping an elderly man to sit in his chair.

Quality Insurance Solutions for Senior Citizens

Older adults are at higher risk of severe health complications, therefore needing more comprehensive care. Whether they’re turning 60 or coming into retirement, having a solid health insurance plan is of utmost importance.

At A-1 Insurance Group, Inc., we are dedicated to helping you find the best possible care for your needs. We offer a variety of options and will walk you through the application process.

What We Do

Besides helping the elderly get an affordable insurance plan, we also lead seminars to educate seniors on their options when going on Medicare.

A woman and an older person using a tablet

Be Wary of Scams

Scammers may try to get personal information from you (like your Medicare number) by asking about your new card. With us, we will make sure all your details are safe and your insurance intact.

If someone asks for your information, money, or threatens to cancel your health benefits, call Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE immediately.